Embodied Lifestyle Experiences

with Compassionate & Somatic Inquiry

When our days are rushed - our food becomes fast, digestion stops, stress levels rise, and our relationships suffer. Over time, stress creates an over driven, under nourished, and out of balance - toxic environment! This can present with various symptoms and inflammation within the body.

When we attune to our body with curiosity and compassion, so much beauty and wisdom can unfold. We connect and develop a relationship with ourselves as we inquire with more depth. We no longer need to disconnect from ourselves, rather we come into relationship with acceptance of all the parts of ourselves. No judgement, just curiosity.

Nourishing Coaching
We will connect with the wisdom of your symptoms to develop a plan to nourish, nurture, and embody your wellness journey.
Nurturing Skin & Body Rituals
Our skin tells a story and imbalances are messengers. Skin rituals provide a portals to connect with ourselves in a more impactful way.
Embodied Movement Practices
Intentional movement practices and playlists to inspire and connect you to your essence for a more embodied life.