My Story
I know what it's like to feel overworked, overwhelmed, and undernourished. This stress impacts all aspects of your life and relationships.
I've been there and know the journey back home through the balance of inner wisdom and embodied inquiry.

I was working a lot and burning a candle at both ends and developed acid reflux on top of my other IBS symptoms.
Fast forward to a morning I thought I had food poisoning... The pain got increasingly worse and after nearly passing out, I began to vomit profuse amounts of blood.
I was rushed to the ER and two blood transfusions later, they discovered a ruptured ulcer was on top of a golf ball size tumor.
I had an emergency partial gastrectomy surgery the following morning.
Stomach Cancer
Upon discharge, the surgeon informed me the pathology report returned as Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST). We opted not to take preventative chemo medication and monitored via ct scans and lab work.
More Symptoms
I began to have bouts of depression and suffered in silence. I began to develop uterine fibroids, thyroiditis, insomnia, chronic fatigue, and painful cystic acne.
Healing Journey
My healing journey was anything but linear. My skin became the motivating factor on my wellness journey. After a 21 day candida cleanse, I began to feel so much better and my skin began to heal. This sparked my interest in nutrition and lifestyle medicine as I focused on my work-life balance.
Purpose & Passion
As I began this wellness journey, I became very passionate about nutrition and knew this was the path for me. I have spent well over a decade of learning about nutrition, embodiment practices, nervous system regulation and the impacts of childhood trauma.
"When you shut down emotion, you're also affecting your immune system, your nervous system. So, the repression of emotion, which is a survival strategy then becomes a source of physiological illness later on." ~Dr. Gabor Mate, MD
You can read more about my wellness training here: continued education